New York State Commissioner’s Regulations require all students to be scheduled in Physical Education each week during each semester of the school year. Beginning in grade 9, a quarter credit is granted for successful completion of the course work each semester. This credit ( a total of 2 credits) is required for graduation. A numerical grading system is used for physical education, and is included in a student’s grade point average.
Students are required to attend all regularly scheduled classes. They should dress in proper attire and participate. Proper attire includes gym shorts, T-shirt, sweat pants, warm-up suits, socks and sneakers. No jewelry or hats should be worn to class. Gum is not permitted in class.
Physical Education Make-up Policy
Students must make up missed classes and classes where they have been unprepared with the exception of excused absence.
Unexcused absences cannot be made up.
Dates for all ‘Make up’ Classes are posted in all locker rooms throughout the school year.
Classes must be made up within 1-2 weeks prior to the next quarter.
Make-up classes will be provided before or after the school day (to be determined by each school’s physical education department and administration).
Criteria for excused absences:
- Standardized exams
- Educational commitments: curriculum (only) based activity either on or off campus (e.g., educational field trip, music lesson)- maximum 2 per marking period.
- Excused absence (e.g., illness, extracurricular commitment)- maximum 2 per marking period
- Extenuating circumstance to be determined by teacher, chairperson, or building administration.
Grades shall be determined according to following criteria utilizing the rubric below:
Attendance & Participation - Each student is expected to take an active part in all aspects of the curriculum. The desired result is to have each student give his/her best to achieve the objectives of the curriculum. Missing more than 3 classes (any combination of absences or unprepared) will require students to take make-up classes to receive a passing grade.
Skill Development - Various rubrics will be utilized to assess the skill and knowledge of students.
Exams - written and oral tests may be use to asses student learning. Differences in the capabilities of individuals will be taken into consideration when grading. Competencies will be utilized to set realistic goals toward the progression of the individual student.
Physical Fitness - Includes CV Endurance, flexibility, muscle strength and endurance. Differences in the capabilities of individuals will be taken into consideration when grading.
Cooperative Skills - students are expected be cooperative, positive and respectful of others.
Safety Awareness - Students should be expected to follow all safety guidelines and Procedures.
Personal Efforts - students should take appropriate risks and work enthusiastically to do his/her best.
Rubrics will be sent home the first week of school with your child for your signature. These are required to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the Physical Education Teacher.
Grading Rubric
Students grades will be based on the following criteria. For each area a point system will be provided which equals a numeric value. Students will also be provided the opportunity for self assessment in these areas. This rubric will be explained in detail to your child.
Attendance and Preparation
Students must be prepared for each class; proper attire includes shorts/sweats, T-shirt and sneakers. Student who are unprepared for class 3 times will be in danger of failing. Student will be able to make up classes during intramurals.
4–Student is prepared for class
0–Student is not prepared for class
Physical Fitness
4- Student seeks and invites challenge; attains excellence in all of the fitness components listed above.
3-Student takes appropriate risks and accepts new challenges: attains an improved level of fitness in the components listed above.
2-Student rarely accepts and invites fitness challenges: attains very little improvement in the fitness components listed above.
1-Student needs constant encouragement or redirection to stay on task: Attains no improvement in the fitness components listed above.
0- Student does not try to attain any fitness proficiency or improvement
Cooperative Skills
4-Student is cooperative. Student is a positive example to peers, respectful of other’s opinions and place group goals ahead of own ambitions.
3-Student is frequently cooperative. Contributes in a positive manner.
2-Student is sometime cooperative. Does not always contribute in a positive manner.
1-Student is rarely cooperative.
0-Student makes little or no attempt to cooperate.
Safety Awareness
4-Student can be counted on to follow all safety guidelines and procedures.
3-Student occasionally needs to reminded of safety guidelines.
2-Student often needs supervision to remind him/her of safety guidelines.
1-Student requires individual supervision on a regular basis.
0-Student does not follow guidelines.
Cognitive Development (Student Knowledge)
4-Student received between 90-100 on unit test; has excellent understanding of games rules, strategies and procedures.
3-Student received between 80-90 on unit test; has a good understanding of game rules, strategies, and procedures.
2-Student received between 70-80 on unit test; has fair understanding of games rules, strategies and procedures.
1-Student received between 60-69 on unit test; has little understanding of games rules, strategies and procedures.
0-Student received below a 59 on unit test; has poor understanding of game rules, strategies and procedures.
Personal Efforts
4- Student always takes appropriate risk and works hard to do his/her best; energetically involved in all activities.
3-Student often tries hard to do his/her best; participates in all activities.
2-Student sometimes needs to be addressed regarding actively taking part in lesson.
1- Student tries but will give up easily.
0-Student makes little or no effort to actively participate.
Skill Development
4- Student successfully performs all essential skills at a proficient level during activity (90-100% of the time).
3- Student successfully performs most essential skills at a competent level during activity (80-90% of the time).
2-Student performs skills fairly during activity.
1-Student performs skills at an inconsistent level during activity.
0- Student does not try to perform skills during activity.